The Village at the Heart Gym
Heart Gym is an online or in-person research and practice space to connect with your Emotional Body, come into Experiential Reality, and practice your Basic Inner Navigation Skills (BINS), while honing your ability to Hold Space and create Intimacy.
Connecting with your Emotional Body requires you to Consciously Feel, which means to feel and distinguish between the Four Feelings - Anger, Sadness, Fear, and Joy - on purpose. Feelings serve your Being by delivering you energetic information to use to take action in your life for what you care about.
There are also Four Emotions that deliver you information about what needs healing that you still carry from your past. You may discover some of these healing doorways in the Heart Gym. While this space is not for processing emotions, it can give you hints of where to go deeper into your healing journey, which can be supported by completing Emotional Healing Processes.
If you dare to Consiously Feel, you might think, "I am terrified, I don't know how to do this." This would be one of those healing doorways. If you think, "Oh, it is already easy for me to talk about what I am feeling," it is time to come to Experiental Reality.
The reality is that talking about your feelings is often a mental exercise to numb and avoid what you are feeling. This is called Verbal Reality, where most people spend their lives out of touch with what is really going on. What is real is to feel what you are actually feeling and let that feeling, which is inside of your Heart, speak. In the Heart Gym, you will practice this skill, alongside other BINS such as lowering your Numbness Bar, distinguishing between the Four Feelings, distinguishing between the Four Emotions, Becoming Present with what is, scanning your 5 Bodies, and many more.
If you:
- Feel the pain of your incompetence at recognizing and acting upon the ongoing flow of precious energetic information that is delivered for your Being
- Want to start taking Radical Responsibility for creating your unique life, in your full Authenticity and Aliveness
- Want to Hold Space for empowering other Beings to take responsibility for their inner worlds, so they can show up more responsibly in their relationships, communities and for Gaia
You need to Consiously Feel.
The Heart Gym uses a number of distinctions from the context of the Possibility Management Gameworld, linked throughout this page. If you get in touch with your Conscious Feelings, and want to go even deeper, you can explore Rage Club, Fear Club, or dive into Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes at an Expand the Box, a 5 day immersive training for taking Radical Responsibility for your life, and all life on Gaia.
The Heart Gym is simply a doorway back to living in deep connection with your Heart, and the Hearts of those around you. Welcome.
Sónia Goncalves delivering the distinction between Verbal and Experiental Reality
How It Works
The Practice & Traditions
The Heart Gym began inspired by a practice called Let Your Heart Speak that came from a Fear Club held by Anne-Chloé Destremau. It has been evolved and adapted into the practice it is today.
The Heart Gym meets online via Zoom every Monday through Friday at 12:00 BRT for 30-45 minutes.
The main spaceholder shares the daily practice with the group at the beginning of the session, and then breakout rooms of two to three people are created that they enter for 20 minutes. In the breakout room, one person will start the practice, and the other person(s) will Hold Space for them, collectively bringing each other deeper into Inner Navigation and exploratory research of the given prompt. You are continuously encouraged to go deeper into letting your Heart speak, and be on each other's team to do so. When it has been 10 minutes for the first person to speak, you are notified to bring it to a close, thank your partner, and switch roles.
After the 20 minutes are up, the collective group returns to the main room to share discoveries, Feelings, and Aliveness. At times, a secondary practice is added at the end, such as the "I Hate It Practice," at which point participants can choose to leave the space, or stay for the next round that follows a similar format as the first round.
The Context
The Heart Gym is a space for:
- Researching what skills are necessary to Inner Navigate
- Using the 4 Feelings distinctions from Possibility Management
- Learning how to feel and connecting with your Emotional Body
- Coming to Experiential Reality by feeling instead of speaking from Verbal Reality
- Developing Intimacy and Emotional-Body communication skills by feeling and speaking about what is happening inside of you while being witnessed by someone
- Developing the basic Inner Navigation skills (BINS) necessary to get in contact with and communicate from your feelings, may you be new to the Gameworld of Possibility Management or an experienced spaceholder
- Practicing speaking from the Heart
- Practicing the basics of communicating from your feelings in the Small Now
- Meeting each other in the village
- Opening a doorway for people with any level of Matrix to learn how to feel
- Being a doorway for Archiarchy to unfold
- Valuing Nonmaterial Value first
What the Heart Gym Is Not
- An Emotional Healing Process space
- A Bi-Directional Scanning space
- A Rescuing space
- A Neurotic Listening space
- A Neurotic Speaking space
The Bright Principles of the Heart Gym
- Love
- Integrity
- Being With
- Simplicity
- Possibility
What skills are practiced in the Heart Gym?
- Inner navigating your 4 Feelings and Emotions
- Speaking from Experiential Reality
- Adult and Possibility listening
- Minimizing your Now
- Staying in connection with another Being while feeling
- Becoming a listening space for someone to speak into
- Giving feedback and coaching
- Being With what is
- Deepening Intimacy in relating with another Being
- Basics of Spaceholding
- Distinguishing the 5 Bodies
Some Practices We Have Explored Thus Far in the Heart Gym...
- Speak from your anger about what you hate saying “I hate that…”
- Use your energetic body to communicate without words the thoughts about the person in front of you, and as the recipient use your emotional body to receive the communication. Check out with your partner the energetic communications you receive and what feelings it brings up in you.
- Start from inside of what is already happening in your heart and let yourself speak from there
- Speak with your friend, and enjoy connecting with them from your heart
- Stop trying to “catch up” with someone, and rather discover what you want in this unique space with the person in front of you with your heart
- Let all of your parts be present and speak what is alive in you, and your coach helps you to create spaciousness to be with all of the parts without trying to change for fix anything
- Practice being vulnerable in a way you haven’t been before when connecting with your feelings about your weekend experiences and let your Heart Speak about it. From a naked place with your feelings in front of someone holding space for you to be there.
- Practice Being With, with your heart, and not being alone
- Practice discovering the person in front of you as if you were meeting them for the first time. Use your heart to speak and to reveal yourself to the other person and invite them in to do the same. You are discovering each other, together.
- Look at the person in front of you with a new set of eyes. Scan them and fall in love with the Being in front of you. What is the doorway that this Being opens? Connect with your feelings and engage in an extraordinary conversation with them from this point.
- Connect with your physical body and use its sensations as the gateway to let your heart speak
- Let your heart speak for what it longs for to be nourished
- Navigate the through the whole Four Feelings cycle
- Navigate to feel your Joy
- Practice consciously using your survival strategies to avoid feeling
- Practice not naming the feeling, rather speak from the feeling to get the experiential distinction of the markers of the feeling in your 5 Bodies
- Navigate to Reality by using your fear to find the next layer
- Let your heart grow and speak from this space
- Navigate to feeling the feeling that you typically avoid
- Feel and speak from what is alive in you today
- Bring your Being forward to meet the person in front of you and let your heart speak to them
- Share why you feel fear to connect with the person in front of you
- Let your heart speak to another person as if this was the last conversation you will have with them
- Practice speaking from an unconscious feeling and then use that information to shift into speaking from that same feeling consciously
- Give your center to the other person and try letting your heart speak
- Discover which ego state you speak from with feedback and coaching from your partner
- Discover what you are committed to by speaking from your heart with feedback and coaching from your partner; coach is a yes to what you are a yes for
- Get distinction between your Box and Being as your partner gives you feedback and coaching about what they see
- Practice appreciating another Being by letting your heart speak to them
- Use your fear to navigate to something that you avoid experiencing, such as fear of rejection, feeling your anger
- Practice you negotiating what you want
- Speak from your feelings as if you are speaking about the weather
Becoming an Apprentice and Spaceholder of the Heart Gym
If you feel drawn to the Heart Gym and care about the Village, values and context that are being sourced in the Heart Gym, that probably means that you are a Heart Gym Spaceholder.
The Heart Gym provides food for you and your circle and is a doorway for people to come in contact with their Conscious Feelings and Aliveness. If this is your job, please read through.
Holding space for the Heart Gym is about holding space to Consciously Feel, land the distinctions in the space you will be holding and practicing your own Inner Navigation Skills as well as your Spaceholding Skills (Setting Context, Speaking From the Unknown are some of them). You will become a Guardian of the Heart Gym Gameworld and you will deliver it to your Circle.
This is a celebration because in you becoming alive in connection with you Four Feelings, you are opening the door to bring forth your Nonmaterial Value to the world, your Archetypal Lineage, Bright Principles and to create a new culture, a Regenerative one, alongside with other Edgeworkers that are also here in this Heart Village, but also out there in the world walking at the edge of modern culture.
During the Path of you becoming a Heart Gym Spaceholder energetic blocks, emotions, reactivities and constructs will reveal themselves. This is great news because these blocks are your next step in your Evolutionary Journey. Without having the Clarity about them you do not know what is you X on the map and therefore you are not able to move from reality which happens in Experiential Reality. If you are not ok with feeling your Fear then you stop when the blocks show up. One of the requisites of being in the Journey of becoming a Heart Gym Apprentice is to work with your relationship with Fear and participate in a Fear Club.
The main value of the Heart Gym Gameworld is Non-Material Value, there is no other currency exchanged withing the gameworld.
There is currently a team training themselves to go through the necessary doorways to become a Heart Gym Spaceholder, these are the Heart Gym Apprentices.
Please read the context of the Heart Gym and the entire website before applying to become an apprentice.
To join the Heart Gym Spaceholder Team, inquire with Sónia Gonçalves.
"I hate it!" Practice from the Heart Gym
How to Participate
The Heart Gym website
The 4 Feelings website: 4feelings.mystrikingly.com
The 4 Emotions website: 4emotions.mystrikingly.com
If you have attended at least one ETB it is not necessary to read the 4 Feelings and Emotions websites
Join the Telegram
Join the Telegram group and introduce yourself there about your necessity to join the Heart Gym
There you will find the Zoom link to join the practice.
When & Where We Practice
The Heart Gym meets online via Zoom every Monday through Friday at 12:00 BRT for 30-45 minutes.
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code PATHxxxx.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!